Resultados: 5

The significance of the nursing actions in psychiatric hospitalization of female adolescent users of psychoactive substances

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 42 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective To understand the significance of the actions developed by the nursing team in a Psychiatric Inpatient Unit for adolescent female users of psychoactive substances in the light of Alfred Schutz's phenomenological sociology framework. Method Qualitative study with Alfred Schutz's Pheno...

Assessment of components of crack users' attention network

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (1), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: Assess components of the Psychosocial Attention Network (RAPS) in crack user care in a Rio Grande do Sul municipality. Method: Qualitative study based on Fourth Generation Evaluation. Data collection occurred in 2014, through participating observation and interviews based on the Her...

Evaluation of intersectoral resources in the composition of care networks for crack users

Objective: To evaluate the intersectoral resources in the composition of care networks for crack users. Method: Evaluative, qualitative study based on the Fourth Generation Evaluation. The participants were 10 users, 11 family members, eight workers, and seven managers from a municipality in the metropo...

Care of user with suicidal behavior: the view of Health Community Agents – a qualitative study

In view of growing rates, the suicidal behavior represents a complex problem worldwide. Health Community Agents (HCAs) are important components of the Family Health Strategy because they establish relations of exchange between the scientific and the popular knowledge. These workers can identify and preve...

Percepçäo da equipe muldisciplinar de saúde a respeito da atuaçäo do enfermeiro em saúde comunitária

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 6 (1), 1985
Estudo das percepçöes da equipe multiprofissional sobre a atuaçäo do enfermeiro em saude comunitária, realizado pelos enfermeiros em treinamento no Sistema de Saúde Comunitária Murialdo em 1983. Visa conhecer a percepçäo das equipes relativa a necessidade do enfermeiro, às atividades a serem de...